What is Talc
What is Talc?
Talc is the world’s softest mineral, a hydrated magnesium silicate. Talc as an ore body has its own features, geology and was formed many millions of years ago. As a natural ore, talc is always found in combination with at least one other mineral. The most common of these is chlorite, a chemically and structurally similar ore. Other associated minerals often found with talc include dolomite and magnesite.

Talc deposits result from the transformation of existing rocks under the effect of hydrothermal fluids carrying one or several of the components needed to form the mineral. Tectonics play a major role in the genesis of a talc deposit as they enable hydrothermal fluids to penetrate the rock, creating a micro-permeability that facilitates reactions in the mass. The size and shape of a talc deposit depends upon the intensity of this hydrothermal activity which corresponds to the climate of a low temperature metamorphism.
Physical Properties
- Softest mineral on earth (1 on Mohs’ scale)
- Platy, lamellar
- Hydrophobic
- Oleophilic (natural affinity with oils)
- Relatively inert
- Properties vary from one deposit to another depending on associated minerals
Our experienced geologists have a detailed knowledge of the specific properties of our mineral deposits and guide our mining teams in order to extract the best possible sources for our products. As a company, we consistently review and invest in long-term deposits in order to ensure our products have consistent quality minerals.We have developed a sophisticated method of analyzing and bench marking our minerals based upon standard and customized tests. The majority of our quality management systems are ISO 9001:2015 certified; contact your local representative for specific production facilities. Through our individual team activities, we seek to continually improve their effectiveness to enhance customer satisfaction and to remain the leader of quality in our industry.